syntax table

英 [ˈsɪntæks ˈteɪbl] 美 [ˈsɪntæks ˈteɪbl]

网络  语法表; 语法表格; 句法表



  1. Beyond Lua's simple syntax and powerful table structure, Lua's real power is evident when mixing it with a host language.
  2. Keyword syntax is explained in the description of the step table.
  3. The full syntax for deleting or, more formally, dropping a table from a database is
  4. If the step does not take a table as input, such as this example, then the syntax is equivalent to a table with a single row.
  5. The syntax is simple: You append the fully qualified name and a semicolon to the DROP TABLE SQL command, and you're finished.
  6. The following syntax examples demonstrate the steps necessary to create a hash-partitioned table
  7. Like most SQL statements, this example follows the standard SQL syntax of SELECT column ( s)* FROM table ( s)* WHERE condition ( s).
  8. Some of the common DBI conventions and syntax are listed in the table below.
  9. If you use this syntax to create an index on a table that other users are accessing, the index is not available until no user is updating the table.
  10. In this article I provided generic mappings from the Oracle style CONNECT BY recursive query syntax to DB2's standard compliant recursive common table expressions using UNION ALL.
  11. To implement a percentage of space to be reserved, you use the same syntax as with regular tables, namely, by using the PCTFREE option when the table is created.
  12. This is in contrast to Oracle syntax where the CREATE INDEX statement provides an option to specify in which table space the index will reside.
  13. This format may seem like overkill and a bit complicated, but this syntax is consistent with AdminApp commands and makes the input more efficient when table data needs to be specified.
  14. This is fairly standard SQL syntax for creating a table.
  15. The SQL syntax to delete a table is DROP TABLE followed by the tablename.
  16. So now let's finish our discussion of syntax, since some of you are probably asking questions like "how do I reference the entire table, headers and all?"
  17. Firstly, by analyzing the characteristics of source code and object code, the architecture of compiling and interpreting system, which includes morphology/ syntax analysis, semantic analysis, error handling, symbol table manager and object code generation, was presented.
  18. And the methods of syntax debugging, logic debugging and the significant steps to ensure the correct operation of the stored procedure in debugging are expounded. There are three methods in logic debugging which includes inserting test table, DBMS_OUTPUT and PL/ SQL debugger.
  19. In the designed experiments, the simple arithmetic expressions were analyzed through lexical analysis, syntax analysis, semantic analysis, table process and error process.
  20. Introduces the course of writing ES syntax in detail, expounds the structure of predict analytical table, discusses semantic analysis about semantic record data structure, middle code, design of code and semantic processing.
  21. This paper presents a new method of modifying the items of Goto table in correcting syntax error based on analyzing the items of LR syntax analysis table.
  22. This method has the strongpoint of LR ( 1) analyzer, at the same time reduces the syntax analysis table.